39 riddles about camels to Test Your Desert Knowledge

Have you ever wondered what makes camels the true “ships of the desert”? Riddles about camels offer a fun and clever way to explore their fascinating traits and unique adaptations. From their humps to their desert adventures, these riddles are perfect for testing your knowledge and learning something new about these incredible creatures.

In this collection of 39 riddles about camels, you’ll find a mix of fun, challenging, and educational puzzles that will entertain kids and adults alike. So, are you ready to embark on this desert journey of wit and wisdom? Let’s dive into these camel-themed riddles and see how many you can solve!

All riddles about camels

  1. I’m known as the ship of the desert, but I don’t float on water. What am I?
  2. I have humps on my back, but I’m not a mountain. Who am I?
  3. What animal can go days without drinking water?
  4. I’m a mammal with long eyelashes and a natural sunshade. What am I?
  5. Why did the camel never get thirsty?
  6. I can carry heavy loads and walk for miles without rest. What am I?
  7. What has three stomachs and humps to store fat?
  8. I’m the symbol of endurance and survival in harsh climates. Who am I?
  9. What has two humps but isn’t a chair?
  10. I’m a desert traveler with padded feet for hot sand. What am I?
  11. Why do camels always look like they’re smiling?
  12. I can close my nostrils to keep out sand. Who am I?
  13. What animal’s milk can survive extreme temperatures?
  14. Why did the camel cross the desert?
  15. I’m built for the desert but love a cool drink. What am I?
  16. What animal is known for its iconic silhouette against a desert sunset?
  17. I can kneel but can’t sit. Who am I?
  18. What’s the camel’s favorite drink?
  19. I have a hump but can’t jump. What am I?
  20. Why did the camel carry so much luggage?
  21. I’m often seen in caravans but never in a train. What am I?
  22. Why do camels never get sunburned?
  23. I’m strong enough to carry water, food, and people across deserts. What am I?
  24. What animal can drink 40 gallons of water in one go?
  25. I’m a camel with no humps. What do you call me?
  26. Why do camels have long legs?
  27. I’m often used as a metaphor for resilience. What am I?
  28. What’s the camel’s favorite day of the week?
  29. I’m a key part of desert culture and trade. What am I?
  30. Why did the camel stop at the oasis?
  31. I’m fluffy and desert-ready. What am I?
  32. What animal’s footprints can lead you to water in the desert?
  33. I’m known for my unique gait that helps me move easily on sand. What am I?
  34. Why do camels have humps?
  35. I’m a creature that inspires stories, poems, and myths. What am I?
  36. What animal can eat thorny plants without getting hurt?
  37. Why did the camel join the circus?
  38. I’m born to survive extreme heat and cold. Who am I?
  39. What makes the camel a master of desert travel?

All answers to riddles about camels

  1. A camel.
  2. A camel.
  3. A camel.
  4. A camel.
  5. Because it stores water in its body.
  6. A camel.
  7. A camel.
  8. A camel.
  9. A camel.
  10. A camel.
  11. Because it’s adapted to survive harsh environments.
  12. A camel.
  13. A camel.
  14. To reach the next oasis.
  15. A camel.
  16. A camel.
  17. A camel.
  18. Water.
  19. A camel.
  20. Because it’s a natural pack animal.
  21. A camel.
  22. Because of its thick skin and fur.
  23. A camel.
  24. A camel.
  25. Humphrey (or a joke about no humps).
  26. To keep its body away from the hot sand.
  27. A camel.
  28. Hump Day (Wednesday).
  29. A camel.
  30. To take a break and drink water.
  31. A camel.
  32. A camel.
  33. A camel.
  34. To store fat for energy.
  35. A camel.
  36. A camel.
  37. To show off its unique skills.
  38. A camel.
  39. Its ability to conserve water and energy.


Riddles about camels are not just entertaining but also a great way to learn about these remarkable creatures that thrive in the desert. Their unique traits and resilience make them an endless source of fascination. Whether you solved them all or learned something new, these riddles are sure to spark curiosity and fun.

Feel free to share these riddles with friends, family, or students to spread the joy of learning through puzzles. Camels truly remind us that even in the harshest environments, adaptation and strength can carry us through. Happy riddle-solving!