Printable Vowel Worksheets for kids | Kindergarten Printable worksheets

Finish the words using the vowels

( Scroll down to find the complete answer)

Worksheet -o1

Worksheet -o2

                                                                     Worksheet -o3

                                                                                                     Worksheet -o4

                                                                                Worksheet -o5


Full Name With Missing Vowels
Apple _pple
Banana B_n_n_
Cherry Ch_rry
Grape Gr_p_
Lemon L_m_n
Mango M_ng_
Orange r_ng
Papaya P_p_y_
Pear P__r
Pineapple P_n__ppl_
Strawberry Str_wb_rry
Watermelon W_t_rm_l_n
Kiwi K_w_
Coconut C_c_n_t
Raspberry R_spb_rry
Blackberry Bl_ckb_rry
Apricot _pr_c_t
Blueberry Bl__b_rry



Full Name With Missing Vowels
Rose R_s_
Tulip T_l_p
Daisy D__sy
Lily L_ly
Orchid _rch_d
Marigold M_r_g_ld
Sunflower S_nfl_w_r
Daffodil D_ff_d_l
Iris _r_s
Violet V__l_t
Jasmine J_sm_n_
Lavender L_v_nd_r
Hibiscus H_b_sc_s
Peony P__ny
Carnation C_rn_t__n
Geranium G_r_n__m
Poppy P_ppy
Snapdragon Sn_pdrg_n


Full Name With Missing Vowels
Ball B_ll
Truck Tr_ck
Doll D_ll
Kite K_t_
Book B__k
Chair Ch__r
Table T_bl_
Crayon Cr_y_n
Pencil P_nc_l
Backpack B_ckp_ck
Cupcake C_pc_k_
Sandwich S_ndw_ch
Pillow P_ll_w
Blanket Bl_nk_t
Bicycle B_cycl_
Scooter Sc__t_r
Puzzle P_zzl_
Paintbrush P__ntbr_sh

Top of Form

Full Name With Missing Vowels
Ball B_ll
Bat B_t
Frisbee Fr_sb__
Jump Rope J_mp R_p_
Skateboard Sk_t_b__rd
Scooter Sc__t_r
Puzzle P_zzl_
Marbles M_rbl_s
Hula Hoop H_l_ H__p
Yo-yo Y_-y_
Chess Set Ch_ss S_t
Action Figure ct__n F_g_r
Dominoes D_m_n__s
Legos L_g_s
Cards C_rds
Checkers Ch_ck_rs
Water Gun W_t_r G_n
Hoverboard H_v_rb__rd





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