Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation

Math Symbols, Sign With Use Of The Symbols

Math Symbols” are essential for solving equations and understanding mathematical concepts. They include symbols for operations like addition (+), subtraction (-), multiplication (×), and division (÷), as well as other important signs such as equals (=), greater than (>), and less than (<). This guide will help you learn and recognize common math symbols to improve your math skills.


Symbol Name
+ Addition
× Multiplication
÷ Division
= Equals
< Less Than
> Greater Than
Less Than or Equal To
Greater Than or Equal To
Not Equal
% Percent
Square Root
π Pi
( Left Parenthesis
) Right Parenthesis
{ Left Brace
} Right Brace
[ Left Bracket
] Right Bracket

Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation

Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation


  1. + (Addition)
    • Use: Adds two numbers together.
    • Example: 3+2=53 + 2 = 53+2=5
  2. – (Subtraction)
    • Use: Subtracts one number from another.
    • Example: 7−4=37 – 4 = 37−4=3
  3. × (Multiplication)
    • Use: Multiplies two numbers together.
    • Example: 5×3=155 × 3 = 155×3=15
  4. ÷ (Division)
    • Use: Divides one number by another.
    • Example: 10÷2=510 ÷ 2 = 510÷2=5
  5. = (Equals)
    • Use: Shows that two values are the same.
    • Example: 8=88 = 88=8
  6. < (Less Than)
    • Use: Shows that one number is smaller than another.
    • Example: 3<53 < 53<5
  7. > (Greater Than)
    • Use: Shows that one number is larger than another.
    • Example: 7>47 > 47>4
  8. ≤ (Less Than or Equal To)
    • Use: Shows that one number is smaller than or equal to another.
    • Example: 6≤66 ≤ 66≤6
  9. ≥ (Greater Than or Equal To)
    • Use: Shows that one number is larger than or equal to another.
    • Example: 9≥59 ≥ 59≥5
  10. ≠ (Not Equal)
    • Use: Shows that two values are not the same.
    • Example: 4≠74 ≠ 74=7

Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation

Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation


  1. % (Percent)
    • Use: Represents a number as a fraction of 100.
    • Example: 25%25\%25% means 252525 out of 100100100.
  2. √ (Square Root)
    • Use: Represents a number which, when multiplied by itself, gives the original number.
    • Example: √9=3√9 = 3√9=3 because 3×3=93 × 3 = 93×3=9
  3. ∆ (Change/Delta)
    • Use: Represents a change or difference in a quantity.
    • Example: ∆x∆x∆x indicates a change in the variable xxx.
  4. ∑ (Sum)
    • Use: Represents the sum of a series of numbers.
    • Example: ∑i=1ni∑_{i=1}^n i∑i=1n​i represents the sum of numbers from 111 to nnn.
  5. π (Pi)
    • Use: Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter, approximately
    • Example: In the formula for the area of a circle A=πr2A = πr^2A=πr2, πππ is used.
  6. ∞ (Infinity)
    • Use: Represents a value that is unbounded or limitless.
    • Example: ∞∞∞ can be used in contexts like limits in calculus.
  7. ( (Left Parenthesis)
    • Use: Used to group numbers or variables in an expression.
    • Example: (3+4)×2(3 + 4) × 2(3+4)×2
  8. ) (Right Parenthesis)
    • Use: Used to close a group of numbers or variables.
    • Example: (5−2)+6(5 – 2) + 6(5−2)+6
  9. { (Left Brace)
    • Use: Used to group items, often in set notation or functions.
    • Example: {1,2,3}\{1, 2, 3\}{1,2,3} denotes a set of numbers.
  10. } (Right Brace)
    • Use: Used to close a group of items in set notation or functions.
    • Example: {4,5,6}\{4, 5, 6\}{4,5,6}
  11. [ (Left Bracket)
    • Use: Often used in intervals or matrices.
    • Example: [1,5][1, 5][1,5] denotes an interval including 1 and 5.
  12. ] (Right Bracket)
    • Use: Used to close intervals or matrices.
    • Example: [2,6][2, 6][2,6]

Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation

Math Symbols, Signs And Explanation

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