Mastering Modal Verbs : A Simple Guide for English Learners

Modal verbs

TypeModal VerbExample
AbilitycanShe can swim very well.
PossibilitymightIt might rain tomorrow.
PermissionmayMay I leave the room?
ObligationmustYou must wear a seatbelt.
Prohibitionmust notYou must not smoke here.
AdviceshouldYou should see a doctor.
Lack of necessitydon’t have toYou don’t have to come if you’re busy.
WillingnesswillI will help you with your homework.
ExpectationshouldThe train should arrive soon.
Possibility (Past)couldShe could have been at the party.
SuggestionshallShall we go for a walk?
HypotheticalwouldIf I were you, I would apologize.


Type of modal verbs with examples


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