50 Common English Sentences for Everyday Life : Enhance Your Language Skills!”

50 Common English Sentences for Everyday Life -01

50 common English sentences used in daily life

  1. Good morning! How are you today?
  2. What time is it?
  3. Could you please pass me the salt?
  4. I’m sorry, I didn’t catch that. Could you repeat?
  5. Have a great day!
  6. Can you help me with this?
  7. It’s raining outside; don’t forget your umbrella.
  8. What’s for breakfast/lunch/dinner?
  9. Did you sleep well last night?
  10. I need to buy some groceries after work.
  11. Let’s grab a coffee together.
  12. Have you seen my keys?
  13. I have to pick up the kids from school later.
  14. Can you turn down the volume a bit?
  15. I’ll be home by 6 PM.
  16. What’s the weather like today?
  17. Let’s go for a walk.
  18. What movie are we watching tonight?
  19. Don’t forget to take out the trash.
  20. Did you finish your homework yet?
  21. Can you make a reservation for dinner tonight?
  22. I’ll call you back in a few minutes.
  23. What’s your favorite type of music?
  24. I’m so tired; I need a nap.
  25. Let’s plan a weekend getaway.
  26. How was your day?
  27. What’s new with you?
  28. Can I have a glass of water, please?
  29. Don’t worry; everything will be okay.
  30. Did you hear about the news today?
  31. Could you please pass me the remote control?
  32. I’m craving some ice cream right now.
  33. Let’s go out for a drink after work.
  34. What’s your favorite hobby?
  35. Don’t forget to feed the cat/dog.
  36. I need to buy a birthday present for my friend.
  37. Can you help me with my computer?
  38. Let’s order takeout for dinner tonight.
  39. Did you see that new movie in theaters?
  40. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow.
  41. How was your weekend?
  42. Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?
  43. I have to finish this report by the end of the day.
  44. What’s your favorite book?
  45. Let’s go shopping this weekend.
  46. I’m so hungry; let’s grab a bite to eat.
  47. Do you have plans for the holidays?
  48. I need to do some laundry later.
  49. Could you please pick up some milk on your way home?
  50. Thank you for your help; I really appreciate it.

50 Common English Sentences for Everyday Life -0250 Common English Sentences for Everyday Life


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