36 Riddles and Brain Teasers with Answers to Test Your Brain

Ever wondered why some people seem to solve puzzles effortlessly? Welcome to a collection of riddles and brain teasers that will not only entertain you but also give your mind a delightful workout. From simple word plays to challenging detective mysteries, these carefully chosen puzzles will help sharpen your thinking and boost your problem-solving skills. Ready to challenge yourself and have some fun along the way?

Riddles and Brain Teasers with Answers

  1. The Silent House A family lives in a large house where everyone is silent. No one ever talks, but they still understand each other perfectly. How is this possible? (Easy)
  2. The Lucky Number What number comes next: 2, 4, 8, 16, …? (Easy)
  3. The Broken Clock A broken clock shows the right time twice a day. How many minutes per day is it correct? (Easy)
  4. The Heavy Word What 5-letter word becomes lighter when you add two letters to it? (Easy)
  5. The Smart Bird What has a head and a tail that will never meet? (Easy)
  6. The Mysterious Room A man walks into a room and notices three light switches. He knows these switches connect to three bulbs in the next room. He can only enter the next room once. How can he figure out which switch connects to which bulb? (Medium)
  7. The Family Dinner Mother and father have four daughters, and each daughter has one brother. How many people are in the family? (Medium)
  8. The Missing Dollar Three friends split a hotel bill of $30, each paying $10. Later, the hotel clerk realizes he overcharged them by $5. He gives $1 back to each friend and keeps $2 for himself. Now each friend paid $9, totaling $27, plus $2 the clerk kept, equals $29. Where did the other dollar go? (Medium)
  9. The Library Mystery In a library, someone screams but nobody pays attention. Why? (Easy)
  10. The Hidden Treasure What occurs once in every minute, twice in every moment, but never in a thousand years? (Easy)
  11. The Magic Box I have no locks, no lid, no key, yet golden treasures lie inside me. What am I? (Easy)
  12. The Time Puzzle At what time do elephants sit on chairs? (Easy)
  13. The Math Teacher A math teacher was walking down the street when she spilled all of her papers. Why was she smiling? (Medium)
  14. The Birthday Twins Two girls were born to the same mother, on the same day, at the same time, in the same month and year and yet they’re not twins. How? (Medium)
  15. The Clever Detective A detective walks into a crime scene where a man is found dead in a puddle of water and broken glass. The only clues are pieces of ice nearby. What happened? (Medium)
  16. The Strange House A house has four walls. All of the walls are facing south. A bear is walking past the house. What color is the bear? (Medium)
  17. The Empty Bus A bus driver goes the wrong way on a one-way street. He passes three cops, but none of them stop him. Why? (Easy)
  18. The Mysterious Word What English word has three consecutive double letters? (Medium)
  19. The Rich Family A poor family has a rich family as neighbors. The poor family has beautiful children while the rich family has ugly children. Yet the rich family’s children are the poor family’s children’s children. How is this possible? (Medium)
  20. The Train Track A train leaves from Halifax, Nova Scotia heading towards Vancouver, British Columbia at 120 km/h. Three hours later, a train leaves Vancouver heading towards Halifax at 180 km/h. Assume there’s exactly 6000 kilometers between cities. When they meet, which train is closer to Halifax? (Hard)
  21. The Silent Singer What’s as big as an elephant but weighs nothing? (Easy)
  22. The Night Watchman A night watchman dies while on duty. Police question three people about it: Cook: “I was making dinner.” Gardener: “I was watering plants.” Maid: “I was mailing a letter.” Police immediately arrest the killer. Who is it? (Medium
  23. The Color Game What can be blue, white, and red all over, but still be completely colorless? (Easy)
  24. The Fish Tank Two fathers and two sons went fishing. They caught three fish and each person got one. How is this possible? (Medium)
  25. The Strange Building On which floor of a 100-story building would you most likely find an astronaut? (Easy)
  26. The Family Tree Looking at a portrait, a man said, “Brothers and sisters have I none, but this man’s father is my father’s son.” Who is in the portrait? (Hard)
  27. The Dark Room In a dark room, you have a candle, a wood stove, and a gas lamp. You only have one match. Which do you light first? (Easy)
  28. The Secret Message What word in the English language does the following: The first two letters signify a male, the first three letters signify a female, the first four letters signify a great, while the entire word signifies a great woman? (Medium)
  29. The Bank Robbery A bank robber pulls out his gun and demands all the money. The bank teller says it’s all gone. The robber leaves, saying “thank you.” The teller smiles. Why? (Medium)
  30. The Apple Tree There are 20 people in an apple tree and you scare them. 5 people don’t run away. How many people are still in the tree? (Easy)
  31. The Elevator Mystery A man lives on the 10th floor. Every morning he takes the elevator down to the ground floor. In the evening, he takes the elevator to the 7th floor and walks up the stairs to reach his apartment on the 10th floor. However, on rainy days, he takes the elevator all the way to the 10th floor. Why? (Hard)
  32. The Mirror Riddle What is always in front of you but can’t be seen? (Easy)
  33. The Office Puzzle What has keys, but no locks; space, but no room; and you can enter, but not go in? (Medium)
  34. The Math Problem Using only addition, how can you use eight 8’s to get the number 1,000? (Hard)
  35. The Missing Ring A woman loses her ring down a drain that’s 20 feet deep. She can’t reach it, and has no tools or equipment to help her. How does she get it back? (Easy)
  36. The Wise Judge A judge tells a prisoner that he has to make a statement. If it is true, he will be killed by tigers. If it is false, he will be killed by trampling of wild horses. What statement does the prisoner make to save himself? (Hard)


Riddles and Brain Teasers with AnswersRiddles and Brain Teasers with Answers

Answers With Explanation For Riddles and Brain Teasers

  1. The Silent House Answer: They’re all deaf and use sign language to communicate.
  2. The Lucky Number Answer: 32 (Each number is doubled from the previous one: 2×2=4, 4×2=8, 8×2=16, 16×2=32)
  3. The Broken Clock Answer: 2 minutes (One minute when the hour and minute hands align correctly in the morning, and one minute when they align in the evening)
  4. The Heavy Word Answer: “Stone” becomes “Lighter” when you add “er”
  5. The Smart Bird Answer: A coin
  6. The Mysterious Room Answer: Turn on first switch and wait 10 minutes, turn it off. Turn on second switch and enter room. The hot bulb connects to first switch, lit bulb to second, and cold bulb to third.
  7. The Family Dinner Answer: 7 people (Mother, father, one son, four daughters)
  8. The Missing Dollar Answer: This is a misdirection puzzle. The $27 and $2 shouldn’t be added. The actual math is: $30 – $3 (refund) = $27 (final amount paid)
  9. The Library Mystery Answer: People scream in books all the time – it’s part of the stories
  10. The Hidden Treasure Answer: The letter ‘M’
  11. The Magic Box Answer: An egg
  12. The Time Puzzle Answer: At the same time as everyone else – on their bottoms!
  13. The Math Teacher Answer: She was below grade (on the street)
  14. The Birthday Twins Answer: They’re triplets (or more)
  15. The Clever Detective Answer: The man slipped on melted ice from an ice cube tray, hit his head, and died
  16. The Strange House Answer: White – it’s at the North Pole, so the bear is a polar bear
  17. The Empty Bus Answer: He was walking, not driving
  18. The Mysterious Word Answer: Bookkeeper
  19. The Rich Family Answer: The poor family are the grandparents
  20. The Train Track Answer: When they meet, both trains are at exactly the same spot, so they’re the same distance from Halifax
  21. The Silent Singer Answer: An elephant’s shadow
  22. The Night Watchman Answer: The Gardener (You can’t water plants at night)
  23. The Color Game Answer: A map
  24. The Fish Tank Answer: There are only three people – a grandfather (who is a father), his son (who is also a father), and his grandson
  25. The Strange Building Answer: The SPACE floor
  26. The Family Tree Answer: The man’s son
  27. The Dark Room Answer: The match
  28. The Secret Message Answer: Heroine (He, Her, Hero, Heroine)
  29. The Bank Robbery Answer: It was a rehearsal for a play
  30. The Apple Tree Answer: None – people don’t grow on trees!
  31. The Elevator Mystery Answer: He’s a short person who can only reach the 7th floor button. On rainy days, he uses his umbrella to reach the 10th floor button.
  32. The Mirror Riddle Answer: The future
  33. The Office Puzzle Answer: A keyboard
  34. The Math Problem Answer: 888 + 88 + 8 + 8 + 8 = 1,000
  35. The Missing Ring Answer: Wait for the water in the drain to evaporate
  36. The Wise Judge Answer: “I will be killed by wild horses.” (If true, he should be killed by tigers, making it false. If false, he should be killed by horses, making it true. This paradox saves him.)


Riddles and brain teasers with answers for kidsRiddles and Brain Teasers with Answers


Solving riddles and brain teasers is more than just a fun pastime – it’s a powerful way to enhance your cognitive abilities and problem-solving skills. These 36 puzzles we’ve explored range from playful wordplay to complex logic challenges, each designed to exercise different aspects of your thinking:

  • Logic and reasoning (like the Wise Judge and Train Track puzzles)
  • Lateral thinking (such as the Silent House and Missing Dollar riddles)
  • Word play and vocabulary (demonstrated in puzzles like the Heavy Word and Secret Message)
  • Mathematical thinking (as seen in the Lucky Number and Math Problem)
  • Critical observation (shown in mysteries like the Night Watchman and Clever Detective)

Remember, the key to becoming better at solving riddles isn’t just about finding the right answer – it’s about developing different approaches to problem-solving. Sometimes the solution lies in looking at the problem from an unexpected angle, while other times it requires careful, step-by-step logical thinking.

Keep challenging yourself with puzzles like these, and you’ll likely notice improvements in your critical thinking, creativity, and ability to spot subtle details in everyday life. After all, the best problem-solvers aren’t necessarily the ones who know all the answers – they’re the ones who know how to think about the questions.