Verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs are fundamental building blocks of language. Understanding word formation in these categories is essential for mastering grammar and expanding vocabulary. In this guide, we will explore how these four parts of speech are formed and provide an extensive list of examples to help you enhance your language skills. By examining the structure of verbs, nouns, adjectives, and adverbs, learners can improve both their writing and speaking proficiency.”
Verbs noun adjective Adverbs list
Verb | Noun | Adjective | Adverb |
Accept | Acceptance | Angry | Angrily |
Achieve | Achievement | Brave | Bravely |
Act | Action | Bright | Brightly |
Add | Addition | Careful | Carefully |
Admire | Admiration | Cheerful | Cheerfully |
Advise | Advice | Clear | Clearly |
Agree | Agreement | Clever | Cleverly |
Allow | Allowance | Cold | Coldly |
Announce | Announcement | Comfortable | Comfortably |
Apologize | Apology | Constant | Constantly |
Apply | Application | Correct | Correctly |
Appreciate | Appreciation | Curious | Curiously |
Approve | Approval | Dangerous | Dangerously |
Argue | Argument | Delicate | Delicately |
Assist | Assistance | Determined | Determinedly |
Attend | Attendance | Different | Differently |
Believe | Belief | Direct | Directly |
Build | Building | Easy | Easily |
Celebrate | Celebration | Elegant | Elegantly |
Choose | Choice | Energetic | Energetically |
Clean | Cleanliness | Enthusiastic | Enthusiastically |
Collect | Collection | Exact | Exactly |
Combine | Combination | Excited | Excitedly |
Communicate | Communication | Fair | Fairly |
Compete | Competition | Familiar | Familiarly |
Complain | Complaint | Fast | Fast |
Complete | Completion | Firm | Firmly |
Conclude | Conclusion | Foolish | Foolishly |
Confirm | Confirmation | Fortunate | Fortunately |
Consider | Consideration | Free | Freely |
Construct | Construction | Friendly | Friendlily |
Consult | Consultation | Furious | Furiously |
Continue | Continuation | Gentle | Gently |
Contribute | Contribution | Glad | Gladly |
Control | Control | Graceful | Gracefully |
Convince | Conviction | Happy | Happily |
Correct | Correction | Honest | Honestly |
Count | Count | Hungry | Hungrily |
Create | Creation | Immediate | Immediately |
Decide | Decision | Innocent | Innocently |
Defend | Defense | Instant | Instantly |
Deliver | Delivery | Intelligent | Intelligently |
Demonstrate | Demonstration | Joyful | Joyfully |
Design | Design | Kind | Kindly |
Develop | Development | Lazy | Lazily |
Direct | Direction | Loud | Loudly |
Disagree | Disagreement | Lucky | Luckily |
Discover | Discovery | Neat | Neatly |
Discuss | Discussion | Nervous | Nervously |
Distribute | Distribution | Nice | Nicely |
Divide | Division | Noisy | Noisily |
Drive | Drive | Patient | Patiently |
Educate | Education | Polite | Politely |
Encourage | Encouragement | Quick | Quickly |
Endure | Endurance | Quiet | Quietly |
Enjoy | Enjoyment | Rapid | Rapidly |
Entertain | Entertainment | Regular | Regularly |
Establish | Establishment | Rude | Rudely |
Examine | Examination | Safe | Safely |
Expect | Expectation | Sad | Sadly |
Explain | Explanation | Serious | Seriously |
Explore | Exploration | Sharp | Sharply |
Express | Expression | Simple | Simply |
Extend | Extension | Slow | Slowly |
Fail | Failure | Soft | Softly |
Feed | Feed | Strong | Strongly |
Feel | Feeling | Stupid | Stupidly |
Fight | Fight | Sudden | Suddenly |
Finish | Finish | Sweet | Sweetly |
Fix | Fix | Tasty | Tastily |
Fly | Flight | Terrible | Terribly |
Forget | Forgetfulness | True | Truly |
Forgive | Forgiveness | Warm | Warmly |
Fulfill | Fulfillment | Weak | Weakly |
Gain | Gain | Wonderful | Wonderfully |
Generate | Generation | Bright | Brightly |
Govern | Government | Careful | Carefully |
Grow | Growth | Cheerful | Cheerfully |
Handle | Handling | Comfortable | Comfortably |
Help | Help | Constant | Constantly |
Hope | Hope | Correct | Correctly |
Identify | Identification | Curious | Curiously |
Illustrate | Illustration | Dangerous | Dangerously |
Imagine | Imagination | Delicate | Delicately |
Improve | Improvement | Determined | Determinedly |
Include | Inclusion | Different | Differently |
Indicate | Indication | Direct | Directly |
Inform | Information | Easy | Easily |
Inspect | Inspection | Elegant | Elegantly |
Install | Installation | Energetic | Energetically |
Instruct | Instruction | Enthusiastic | Enthusiastically |
Invest | Investment | Exact | Exactly |
Invite | Invitation | Excited | Excitedly |
Join | Join | Fair | Fairly |
Judge | Judgment | Familiar | Familiarly |
Jump | Jump | Fast | Fast |
Justify | Justification | Firm | Firmly |
Keep | Keeping | Foolish | Foolishly |
Know | Knowledge | Fortunate | Fortunately |
Laugh | Laughter | Free | Freely |
Lead | Leadership | Friendly | Friendlily |
Learn | Learning | Furious | Furiously |
Like | Liking | Gentle | Gently |
Listen | Listening | Glad | Gladly |
Live | Life | Graceful | Gracefully |
Locate | Location | Happy | Happily |
Love | Love | Honest | Honestly |
Manage | Management | Hungry | Hungrily |
Measure | Measurement | Immediate | Immediately |
Meet | Meeting | Innocent | Innocently |
Move | Movement | Instant | Instantly |
Negotiate | Negotiation | Intelligent | Intelligently |
Notice | Notice | Joyful | Joyfully |
Offer | Offer | Kind | Kindly |
Operate | Operation | Lazy | Lazily |
Organize | Organization | Loud | Loudly |
Participate | Participation | Lucky | Luckily |
Perform | Performance | Neat | Neatly |
Plan | Plan | Nervous | Nervously |
Prepare | Preparation | Nice | Nicely |
Produce | Production | Noisy | Noisily |
Protect | Protection | Patient | Patiently |
Prove | Proof | Polite | Politely |
Provide | Provision | Quick | Quickly |
Purchase | Purchase | Quiet | Quietly |
Reach | Reach | Rapid | Rapidly |
Realize | Realization | Regular | Regularly |
Recognize | Recognition | Rude | Rudely |
Recommend | Recommendation | Safe | Safely |
Record | Record | Sad | Sadly |
Reduce | Reduction | Serious | Seriously |
Refer | Reference | Sharp | Sharply |
Reflect | Reflection | Simple | Simply |
Refuse | Refusal | Slow | Slowly |
Regret | Regret | Soft | Softly |
Relate | Relation | Strong | Strongly |
Release | Release | Stupid | Stupidly |
Rely | Reliance | Sudden | Suddenly |
Remember | Remembrance | Sweet | Sweetly |
Remove | Removal | Tasty | Tastily |
Repair | Repair | Terrible | Terribly |
Repeat | Repetition | True | Truly |
Replace | Replacement | Warm | Warmly |
Report | Report | Weak | Weakly |
Represent | Representation | Wonderful | Wonderfully |
Request | Request | Bright | Brightly |
Require | Requirement | Careful | Carefully |
Rescue | Rescue | Cheerful | Cheerfully |
Respect | Respect | Comfortable | Comfortably |
Respond | Response | Constant | Constantly |
Restore | Restoration | Correct | Correctly |
Restrict | Restriction | Curious | Curiously |
Retire | Retirement | Dangerous | Dangerously |
Return | Return | Delicate | Delicately |
Reveal | Revelation | Determined | Determinedly |
Review | Review | Different | Differently |
Save | Saving | Direct | Directly |
Search | Search | Easy | Easily |
Secure | Security | Elegant | Elegantly |
Select | Selection | Energetic | Energetically |
Sell | Sale | Enthusiastic | Enthusiastically |
Send | Sending | Exact | Exactly |
Serve | Service | Excited | Excitedly |
Settle | Settlement | Fair | Fairly |
Share | Sharing | Familiar | Familiarly |
Show | Show | Fast | Fast |
Solve | Solution | Firm | Firmly |
Speak | Speech | Foolish | Foolishly |
Spend | Spending | Fortunate | Fortunately |
Spread | Spread | Free | Freely |
Start | Start | Friendly | Friendlily |
Stop | Stop | Furious | Furiously |
Study | Study | Gentle | Gently |
Suggest | Suggestion | Glad | Gladly |
Support | Support | Graceful | Gracefully |
Surprise | Surprise | Happy | Happily |
Teach | Teaching | Honest | Honestly |
Test | Test | Hungry | Hungrily |
Think | Thought | Immediate | Immediately |
Train | Training | Innocent | Innocently |
Transform | Transformation | Instant | Instantly |
Treat | Treatment | Intelligent | Intelligently |
Try | Try | Joyful | Joyfully |
Understand | Understanding | Kind | Kindly |
Update | Update | Lazy | Lazily |
Use | Use | Loud | Loudly |
Visit | Visit | Lucky | Luckily |
Wait | Waiting | Neat | Neatly |
Win | Win | Nervous | Nervously |
Wish | Wish | Nice | Nicely |
Work | Work | Noisy | Noisily |
Write | Writing | Patient | Patiently |
FAQ on Word formation: Verbs noun adjective Adverbs list
1. What is a verb, noun, adjective, and adverb?
- A verb describes an action or state (run, is).
- A noun names a person, place, thing, or idea (boy, school, happiness).
- An adjective describes or modifies a noun (red, big, happy).
- An adverb modifies a verb, adjective, or another adverb (quickly, very, well).
2. What are the four forms of words?
The four forms of words refer to their grammatical functions:
- Noun
- Verb
- Adjective
- Adverb
3. What are the 7 types of words?
The 7 types of words, also known as parts of speech, are:
- Nouns
- Verbs
- Adjectives
- Adverbs
- Pronouns
- Prepositions
- Conjunctions
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