67+ Best Fall Riddles to Spice Up Your Fall

Have you ever tried solving fall-themed riddles that make you think and smile at the same time? The Best Fall Riddles combine the joy of the season with clever wordplay, making them perfect for kids, adults, and everyone in between. These riddles are a fun way to exercise your brain while enjoying the crisp autumn vibes.

Whether you’re hosting a cozy gathering, looking for classroom activities, or simply relaxing with a warm drink, these riddles add a spark of creativity to your day. Ready to dive into the colorful world of fall puzzles and test your wit? Let’s begin!

67+ Best Fall Riddles to Spice Up Your Fall

  1. What falls but never gets hurt?
  2. Why did the scarecrow win an award?
  3. What has leaves but isn’t a tree?
  4. What’s full of holes but still holds water?
  5. I’m a red fruit often found in pies. What am I?
  6. What has an ear but cannot hear?
  7. I’m orange, round, and carved in the fall. What am I?
  8. What can you catch but not throw?
  9. I’m tall when I’m young, short when I’m old. What am I?
  10. I have keys but no locks. What am I?
  11. I get wetter the more I dry. What am I?
  12. What’s brown and sticky?
  13. The more you take, the more you leave behind. What am I?
  14. I’m something you throw away yet treasure when found. What am I?
  15. What’s white, cold, and falls in the fall in some places?
  16. I fly without wings, I cry without eyes. What am I?
  17. What’s orange and sounds like a parrot?
  18. What’s a vampire’s favorite fruit?
  19. Why do leaves turn red in the fall?
  20. I have a head, a tail, but no body. What am I?
  21. What’s round, orange, and sits on a porch?
  22. Why do turkeys gobble?
  23. What’s always running but never moves?
  24. I’m a pie that’s both sweet and spicy. What am I?
  25. What grows in the fall and rhymes with “core”?
  26. What goes up but never comes down?
  27. What starts with a “t”, ends with a “t”, and has tea in it?
  28. What’s a ghost’s favorite dessert?
  29. What is hard to see but easy to feel?
  30. What do you call a snowman’s best friend in autumn?
  31. What vegetable is a sailor’s favorite?
  32. What room has no doors or windows?
  33. What’s a skeleton’s favorite instrument?
  34. What’s a tree’s least favorite month?
  35. What comes at night without being called?
  36. What lives in the winter, dies in the summer, and grows in the fall?
  37. What do you call a fall candy that’s never alone?
  38. What has a spine but no bones?
  39. What tastes better than it smells?
  40. What word becomes shorter when you add two letters to it?
  41. What’s always coming but never arrives?
  42. What can’t be put in a saucepan?
  43. What has four fingers and a thumb but isn’t alive?
  44. What’s light as a feather but can’t be held for long?
  45. What has a face but no eyes, nose, or mouth?
  46. What can you hear but not see?
  47. What comes down but never goes up?
  48. What’s black, white, and read all over?
  49. What’s bright during the day and dark at night but doesn’t move?
  50. What’s a witch’s favorite subject in school?
  51. What’s full of food but never eats?
  52. What’s a gourd’s favorite sport?
  53. What can you break without touching it?
  54. What’s the best thing to eat on a chilly fall night?
  55. What stays in one corner but travels around the world?
  56. What’s the best kind of music to listen to in the fall?
  57. What has a bed but never sleeps?
  58. What starts with an “E”, ends with an “E”, but only has one letter?
  59. What’s a scarecrow’s favorite type of music?
  60. What’s a skeleton’s favorite meal?
  61. What’s a leaf’s least favorite type of weather?
  62. What’s a pumpkin’s favorite fairy tale?
  63. What gets sharper the more you use it?
  64. What falls in the fall but doesn’t hurt?
  65. What’s red, round, and loves fall?
  66. What has legs but doesn’t walk?
  67. What has a neck but no head?


67+ Best Fall Riddles to Spice Up Your Fall .

Answers for Best Fall Riddles:

  1. Leaves
  2. He was outstanding in his field.
  3. A book
  4. A sponge
  5. Apple
  6. Corn
  7. Pumpkin
  8. A cold
  9. A candle
  10. A piano
  11. A towel
  12. A stick
  13. Footsteps
  14. A treasure map
  15. Snow
  16. A cloud
  17. A carrot
  18. Neck-tarines
  19. To look cool
  20. A coin
  21. A pumpkin
  22. Because they’re hungry
  23. A river
  24. Pumpkin pie
  25. Gourd
  26. Age
  27. A teapot
  28. Ice scream
  29. The wind
  30. A puddle
  31. Leek
  32. A mushroom
  33. Trombone
  34. Sep-timber
  35. The stars
  36. A leaf
  37. Candy corn
  38. A book
  39. Your tongue
  40. Short
  41. Tomorrow
  42. Its lid
  43. A glove
  44. Your breath
  45. A clock
  46. An echo
  47. Rain
  48. A newspaper
  49. The sky
  50. Spelling
  51. A fridge
  52. Squash
  53. A promise
  54. Soup
  55. A stamp
  56. Rock and gourd roll
  57. A river
  58. Envelope
  59. Hay-day hits
  60. Spare ribs
  61. Storms
  62. Cinderella (because she had a pumpkin carriage)
  63. Your brain
  64. Leaves
  65. An apple
  66. A table
  67. A bottle


There you have it – 67+ of the Best Fall Riddles to brighten your autumn days and keep your mind sharp! Whether you’re solving these riddles solo or sharing them with friends and family, they’re sure to add a touch of seasonal magic to your day. So grab a warm drink, cozy up, and enjoy the fun!