150 confused words in English-01
- Accept / Except
- Affect / Effect
- Allusion / Illusion
- Already / All ready
- Altogether / All together
- A lot / Alot
- Beside / Besides
- Complement / Compliment
- Council / Counsel
- Device / Devise
- Discreet / Discrete
- Elicit / Illicit
- Emigrate / Immigrate
- Farther / Further
- Fewer / Less
- Imply / Infer
- It’s / Its
- Lay / Lie
- Lead / Led
- Loose / Lose
- Passed / Past
- Peak / Peek / Pique
- Principal / Principle
- Proceed / Precede
- Stationary / Stationery
- Than / Then
- Their / There / They’re
- To / Too / Two
- Who’s / Whose
- Your / You’re
- A while / Awhile
- Advice / Advise
- Aisle / Isle
- Allusion / Illusion
- Aloud / Allowed
- Assure / Ensure / Insure
- Bazaar / Bizarre
- Breath / Breathe
- Canvas / Canvass
- Censor / Censure
- Cite / Site / Sight
- Coarse / Course
- Complement / Compliment
- Conscience / Conscious
- Dairy / Diary
- Desert / Dessert
- Disinterested / Uninterested
- Dual / Duel
- Elicit / Illicit
- Emigrate / Immigrate
- Envelop / Envelope
- Ensure / Insure
- Everyday / Every day
- Explicit / Implicit
- Fair / Fare
- Faze / Phase
- Forbear / Forebear
- Foreword / Forward
- Gorilla / Guerrilla
- Hear / Here
- Historic / Historical
- Hole / Whole
- Incite / Insight
- Intolerable / Intolerant
- Judicial / Judicious
- Later / Latter
- Lay / Lie
- Lightening / Lightning
- Loath / Loathe
- Loose / Lose
- Medal / Metal / Meddle
- Mettle / Metal
- Moral / Morale
- Overdo / Overdue
- Patience / Patients
- Peace / Piece
- Peak / Peek / Pique
- Persecute / Prosecute
- Personal / Personnel
- Perspective / Prospective
- Precede / Proceed
- Prescribe / Proscribe
- Principal / Principle
- Quiet / Quite
- Raise / Rise
- Real / Reel
- Respectfully / Respectively
- Right / Write
- Sight / Site / Cite
- Stationary / Stationery
- Storey / Story
- Tenant / Tenet
- Than / Then
- Their / There / They’re
- Threw / Through
- To / Too / Two
- Track / Tract
- Vain / Vane / Vein
- Waist / Waste
- Ware / Wear / Where
- Weather / Whether
- Which / Witch
- Who’s / Whose
- Yoke / Yolk
- Adapt / Adopt
- Adverse / Averse
- Aisle / Isle
- Altar / Alter
- Amoral / Immoral
- Appraise / Apprise
- Ascent / Assent
- Aural / Oral
- Ball / Bawl
- Bare / Bear
- Berth / Birth
- Born / Borne
- Brake / Break
- Cache / Cash
- Capital / Capitol
- Cereal / Serial
- Chord / Cord
- Climactic / Climatic
- Collaborate / Corroborate
- Confidant / Confident
- Continual / Continuous
- Core / Corps
- Credible / Credulous
- Currant / Current
- Defuse / Diffuse
- Desert / Dessert
- Device / Devise
- Dissent / Descent
- Disassemble / Dissemble
- Dual / Duel
- Ensure / Insure
- Envelope / Envelop
- Fair / Fare
- Fawn / Faun
- Fewer / Less
- Flair / Flare
- Gambit / Gamut
- Gambol / Gamble
- Gild / Guild
- Grisly / Grizzly
- Hoard / Horde
- Invaluable / Valuable
- Jibe / Jive
- Lay / Lie
- Luxuriant / Luxurious
- Mantel / Mantle